How to Overcome Bad Breath While Fasting.

There are some Ways to Overcome Bad Breath When fasting – Bad breath when running fast is a natural thing to happen because there are many bacteria in the mouth that can turn leftovers into sulfur gases that cause bad breath.

Well When not fasting, and fitting the time we eat, the mouth will produce saliva, when the fasting saliva production is reduced, consequently the bacteria multiply rapidly, so it will appear in the mouth odor.

Other causes of bad breath can also occur due to come from within the body, such as those experienced by people with diabetes or an ulcer. To cope with bad breath while fasting, then here are some tips and tricks that can be done to address them first:

1. Keep your oral hygiene by regularly brushing your teeth after meal and before bed at night.

2. Avoid foods smelling like a banana, durian, or onions.

3. Drink plenty of water when breaking dawn and to maintain water balance in the body.

4. Food consumption of probiotics to aid digestive health and prevent bad breath.

5. Avoid cigarettes and alcohol which can lead to periodontitis and gingivitis that worsen oral hygiene. In addition, alcohol can reduce the production of saliva, which resulted in the rapid development of bacteria.

6. Consumption of fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrot, and yam.

7. Consumption of spices like coriander, mint, tarragon, eucalyptus, rosemary, and cardamom are very good for fighting bad breath.

8. Consumption of vitamin C such as berries, oranges, and cantaloupe because it can create an inhospitable environment for bacterial growth. Get your vitamin C from fruits and other foods, not from supplements, because supplements are actually exacerbate bad breath.

9. Consumption of cheese because the cheese is rich in calcium, low in carbohydrates, and contain phosphate so useful to increase saliva production, and reduce the growth of tartar.

10. Do not overuse mouthwash. “Could use a mouthwash, but do not often, maybe only at night,”. In the mouth there are bad bacteria and good bacteria that should be kept in balance.
Such tips on how to cope with bad breath during fasting .. May be useful and safe discharge of Worship Puasa.1433H.

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